Safe Environment Program
for Child and Youth Protection
Safe Environment Classes
Coming soon!
Office of Safe Environment
Mission Statement of the Diocese of Lafayette
The Office of Safe Environment oversees the implementation of the diocesan program, “A Safe Environment for the Protection of Children and Young People.” The Office provides education resources for children, clergy, religious, and laity (employees and volunteers) in the prevention of and recognition of child abuse. This Office is also responsible for processing criminal history checks on all clergy, religious, and laity who have contact with minors.
What to Do if You Suspect Abuse
You must follow all applicable civil laws for reporting instances of suspected child abuse.
Your report is a request for an investigation, not an accusation.
You should report each incident of suspected abuse.
As diocesan priest/employee/volunteer, you should report to your immediate supervisor and Pastor, and together you should make the report to Office of Community Services/law enforcement.
If suspected abuse is related to a diocesan/church/school program, or if abuse occurred by anyone acting in church services, a report must also be made to Diocesan Victim Assistance Coordinator, Joseph Pisano, Jr. [337-298-2987], as well as to Maureen Fontenot, Chancellor.