Bishop's Services Appeal
From family life to Catholic formation to crisis response and support for vocations, the Bishop’s Services Appeal offers spiritual hope and practical assistance to those in our communities in immediate need of God’s provision and care. Generous parishioners make it possible.
Bringing Hope and Healing
The student became the teacher as the boy Jesus brought his insights to the temple. The master became the servant as He washed the feet of His apostles. The BSA empowers us to reach out as Jesus did to support essential ministries for Catholic formation, discipleship, crisis needs and vocations. Each and every day as your donation lifts up people throughout our diocese, you will be sharing the Charity and Love of Jesus Christ with those who truly need you.
Checks made payable to the Bishop's Services Appeal may be mailed to:
Office of Stewardship & Development
Diocese of Lafayette
1408 Carmel Drive
Lafayette, LA 70501