The Sacrament of Baptism
Baptism of Children
Congratulations on the birth of your new child! We are filled with joy with you and your family that you have decided to have your child baptized at Saint Peter Catholic Church! Please know of our support and prayers for you during this time, and see below for a few preparatory points for planning your baptism.
Requirements for Baptizing your Child
Diocesan policy requires parents to attend a Baptismal preparation course. At least one Godparent must be Catholic; at least 16 years of age; have received the sacrament of Baptism and Confirmation; and if married, be validly married in the Church and be able to receive Holy Communion, the other may be a Christian witness. Please contact the parish office at 369-3816 for more details.
Baptism Registration Form
Please download the form below and send to parish@stpetersofnewiberia.com.
Form becomes fillable after it has been downloaded to your computer.
Baptism of Adults
Congratulations on your decision to baptized into the Catholic faith! We are excited for you to join our parish community at Saint Peter Catholic Church as well as the entire universal Church! Please know of our support and prayers for you as you begin this journey and see below for a few preparatory points for planning to be baptized.
Requirements for Baptism
If an adult wishes to be baptized in the Catholic Church, but has never been baptized into any Christian denomination, he or she will be invited to follow the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA) - the formal program to initiate unbaptized persons into the Catholic Church.
If you are an adult who made your First Communion but was never confirmed, contact the parish office at 337-369-3816 for more information.