Christian Formation & Community Life

Disch-DeClouet Annual Campaign

The Disch-DeClouet Social Service Center is a non-profit organization with an all-volunteer staff.  The Center has served the poor and the needy of Iberia Parish, providing for critical and basic human needs (food, clothing, utility and rent assistance and other help) for 48 years. We service approximately 400 families a month.

We are conducting our Annual Campaign which runs through the Lenten Season.  We ask that you prayerfully consider investing in those less fortunate by sharing your gifts.  Without additional financial support we cannot maintain the level of service that we have been giving for many years.

A few weeks ago, a campaign envelope was stapled to the parish bulletin. If you have not yet offered a gift and would like to do so, please utilize that envelope and return it to the Center or place it in the parish offertory. If you do not have an envelope, simply place your financial gift in a regular envelope and mark it “Disch-DeClouet Annual Campaign.”  This envelope can be put in the parish offertory collection. St. Peter Parish will see that your gift comes to the Center.

Please know that your gift is tax-deductible. May God bless you for your generosity.  Thank you!

John L. Indest Executive Director

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Prayer Blanket Ministry

Do you know of someone who needs healing or would benefit from prayer? Consider enrolling that person in The St Peter Prayer Blanket Ministry. The recipient will receive a blessed prayer blanket, a healing prayer, enrollment in the Church prayer request book and remembrance of those enrolled in the ministry at the weekend Masses. There is no charge to receive a blanket. In addition to these benefits, a candle can burn in Church for a week for $5.00. If you would like a blanket or would want to volunteer to sew, crochet or knit for this Ministry, please contact Eileen in the Parish Office at 337-359-4848.

Prayer Blanket Ministry - Come Join Us!