Christian Formation & Community Life

Singing for Life Choir

Our parish’s Singing for Life Choir is accepting new members. If you are 65 years of age or older and enjoy singing, but do not want the commitment of weekly rehearsals and sung Masses, then this choir is for you! The Singing for Life choir will meet twice a month on Monday mornings from 10:00 to 11:30 am in the choir room of the Christian Formation Building and sing once a month at the 10:30 am Sunday Mass. You may contact our Director of Sacred Music, Ben LeBleu at 337.359.4864 or via email at to register for our Singing for Life Choir.

Catholic in Recovery

Catholic in Recovery

CHS Application are Open

CHS Applications are Open

An Introduction to Prayer

An Introduction to Prayer

Assist Families of those who have died

Prayer Blanket Ministry

Do you know of someone who needs healing or would benefit from prayer? Consider enrolling that person in The St Peter Prayer Blanket Ministry. The recipient will receive a blessed prayer blanket, a healing prayer, enrollment in the Church prayer request book and remembrance of those enrolled in the ministry at the weekend Masses. There is no charge to receive a blanket. In addition to these benefits, a candle can burn in Church for a week for $5.00. If you would like a blanket or would want to volunteer to sew, crochet or knit for this Ministry, please contact Eileen in the Parish Office at 337-359-4848.