Online Giving at St. Peter Catholic Church

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December 15th
Bishop’s Services Appeal

When the host is raised after its blessing as Jesus did at the Last Supper, there is that beautiful, mysterious and sacred moment when it becomes our Lord’s Body right before our eyes and in our hearts. Imagine what happens when, with that same faith, we place our own personal treasure in Jesus’s hands: it becomes transformed into something that transforms. This faith is what we are called to in the Bishop’s Services Appeal: to trust that with us and through us, God transforms our gifts into what the lost and broken need most.

We may not all be able to physically feed or shelter or care for or minister to all those who need to be served. What we can do is support life-giving ministries through prayer and a personal offering of resources. The BSA helps us to ensure that the most essential services continue to reach the most vulnerable in our Diocese.

Please join in Uniting as the Body of Christ so that the very Real Presence of Jesus is evident in you and your charitable works.

December 22nd
St. Peter Preservation Endowment

Funds generated for this endowment increase the corpus of the principal. Interest gained is utilized for the upkeep of our facilities. This is a new endowment that was established for our parish in 2023.

Second Collections

BSA: Uniting as the Body of Christ